Saturday, May 28, 2011

Quiet Time for Kids

        Character training is the most important life skill for me to teach.  I've been pondering this a lot lately.  I want my kids to understand the importance of spending time with the LORD each and everyday.  I want this to be a habit in their hearts from the beginning.  This is what I am planning for my kids.  I hope it will inspire you to develop something similar in your family!
        Every morning I already do character Bible studies, right before breakfast.  As the kids eat breakfast, I am planning on then reading my little one's Bible (the picture ones that even my littlest kids understand).  Then, after breakfast, I will do one of the following activities for about 10 minutes:
1.  Pray for the nations (research different people groups and pick one for the day to briefly talk about and pray for.)
2.  Go for a short walk outside and appreciate God's creation.
3.  Turn on some worship music to dance to . . .
4.  Turn on some worship music to soak to . . .
5.  Paint to worship music . . .
Then, every day . . . carve out a small amount of time . . . maybe 20 minutes . . . and separate the kids into their own special quiet time place.  I am going to give them each their own journal where they can listen to God for visions or what He is speaking to them and ask them to draw, or write when they are proficient in writing.  I want them to learn to talk with God . . . but also to listen to God.

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